Tag Archives: University


Welcome home, and to the pages of my blog, to my oldest daughter who recently completed her first year of college.  I thought it might be informative for her to provide some insights into her experience as a Third Culture Kid returning from a successful year of college to the world she left behind. And …

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Creative Connections

So here I am, down to the wire, trying to meet a self-made deadline of one post a month to my TCK Talk Blog.  The bad news is, I don’t have much time. The good news is, I have spent much of my time this month on something that is quite important to Third Culture …

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A TCK Talk with the Experts: Transitioning “Home” and to College

I recently wrote my College Time for TCKs post from a parent’s perspective as I readied and tried to prepare my daughter for the transition to her “home” country for college.  As I was writing about reading a book together on the best ways to prepare, I realized I would love to hear from some …

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College Time for TCKs

I’m going to turn into a stereotypical mother of a college-bound student for a moment and state that I can’t believe the time is here. After the minutes that could seem like hours and days that could seem like years that can come with caring for fully dependent toddlers, your kids hit school and all …

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